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Financial Planning

We all have dreams of a successful retirement, ensuring a legacy for our family, and protecting our family from unexpected circumstances. Planning and taking the action steps necessary to achieve these dreams can be difficult. At Digital Trading Analysis, we help our clients create a strategic plan and guide them along the way to ensure they reach their goals and objectives.

We determine the financial resources available to work with and anticipate additional wealth that will be available in the future to help achieve your financial objectives. Clearly define the goals and objectives important to your family. Evaluate the various options and determine the appropriate planning strategies.

Start the journey: determining the course of action to implement your plan Constantly evaluate—we all hit snags on this road called life. We continue to monitor the progress of our clients and make necessary adjustments.

Private Wealth Management

Financial market knowledge is simply one of many key components of a successful financial strategy. Digital Trading Analysis provides objective institutional guidance in the context of a personal interaction. We manage our clients' wealth as well as their charity legacies and business retirement plans. We also provide advice to trusts, foundations, charity groups, and corporations.

Five Reasons Why Digital Trading Analysis is a Wise Choice for Investors:

1. With so many options available to investors, how can they make an informed choice? The finest of both worlds is provided by Digital Trading Analysis: A wide selection of options are available, as well as objective counsel. Because of our broad contacts with institutional investment management organisations, we can provide our clients with preferred vehicles. Furthermore, our independence from product providers ensures that our advice is always for the benefit of our clients.

2. Digital Trading Analysis professionals collaborate with you to develop an investment strategy that will preserve your capital while also meeting your long-term objectives. We make a strong commitment to research, due diligence, management inspection, and diversification across all essential asset classes when designing your portfolio. We construct a diversified portfolio based on your investing objectives and risk tolerance, utilising managers and structures we believe are best in class for each type of asset, resulting in an efficient total portfolio.

3. Since its inception in 2018, Digital Trading Analysis has built a reputation for careful investment management and a dedication to service, one client at a time. We have a deep bench; our trained advising, trading, and support teams, as well as industry specialists, provide a comprehensive solution for all of your portfolio management needs. We value our clients and strive to make it obvious in all aspects of our interactions with you.

4. Without objective monitoring of results and open communication, no investment process is complete. We promote transparency at Digital Trading Analysis so that clients may comprehend the features of each investment. We hold ourselves accountable for providing regular updates on how each investment and the overall portfolio have performed in regard to your personal goals.

5. We realise the difficulties that money can bring. Our financial strategies go far beyond investment management, taking into account your financial needs and personal ambitions. Digital Trading Analysis works across generations to solve critical issues like estate planning, tax planning, philanthropic aims, and family financial education. While managing your wealth, we can make recommendations and collaborate with accountants, lawyers, and other professionals in whom we have complete trust to help you achieve your financial objectives.

Asset Management

We create a custom-tailored portfolio plan that fulfils your investing objectives based on your financial goals and risk profile. As an independent financial advising firm, we are committed to acting purely in your best interests and have the freedom to select the portfolio that best meets your requirements.

Estate Planning

We pool our experience and resources to provide complete estate analysis and counselling, with a primary focus on implementing methods that balance today's income and cash flow requirements while minimising estate erosion upon death.

Retirement Plans

We provide comprehensive retirement plan planning, administration, and investing services with a focus on employee education, communication, and investment advice, delivering hundreds of quality mutual fund managers on a single platform and providing plan members with 24 hour access.

Who We Are

We are a fiduciary, protecting the plan sponsor, retirement committee, and trustee, under federal law, from liability resulting from investment selections made by plan participants.

We are a trusted advisor and counsellor to individuals and institutions needing wealth management services, just like your employees.

We have a passion for helping people.

Through incentive, financial planning, performance, and trust, we hope to develop employee loyalty and confidence in their corporate-sponsored qualified plan. Offering investing advice to plan participants benefits both the employer and the employees.

Studies have shown that employees benefit from direct access to employee-specific investment advice, resulting in increased employee contribution levels, enhanced employee confidence, a reduction in levels of personal stress and anxiety, and better management of personal finances. Employers experience the benefits of better employee relations, increased employee morale, and greater retention of their employee talent pool.

Advice vs. Education

The line between advise and education is thin. Where education should end, advice should begin. When a participant asks a plan representative which 401(k) choice they should invest in, he or she is now seeking financial advice.


We address the question of what an employee should invest their money in using only the investment options offered in the plan. We collaborate with each employee to design an appropriate asset allocation strategy. We offer Economics 101, which teaches students about the influence and impact of supply and demand on the stock market and in everyday life. We teach and provide an understanding of various money management strategies. We train employees how and when to use different investment vehicles to attain different goals and objectives based on their needs and risk tolerance.